The Harbor Online
The Harbor Online- Home

About The Harbor

All Things Michael Bennett

Great Links to Great Places

My Pictures

Welcome to The Harbor Online

Hey! Welcome to The Harbor Online! The person speaking to you at this moment... well... at the moment that I am typing this but not at the moment you are reading this is... *drum roll and trumpet plays*... the partly True Great Ruler of All (haha Amber), MICHAEL BENNETT! *bows* Thank you everyone for that standing ovation. I know that it's not everyday that you are hearing (actually reading) the words of Michael. But enough of all the fun stuff. Let's get down to business as those people that... you know... work *grimaces* say. The reason for me making this site was to really to accompany my forum. But then I decided that I could use this as something else. To tell all about... everything! I know your dying to ask me what kind of "everything" am I going to share. Well, first of all I'm going to have to introduce myself and who I am. And then the rest... you'll learn as you check out my site! So enough of all this chit chat- or in your case, reading all of this bunch of useless introducing words. LET'S GET DOWN TO BUSINESS!!!!!

Things You Should Know About Me

Okay! These are some things that everybody should know about me, Michael Bennett!

1. I am a Christian and I am not ashamed to say this. I go to Marietta Church of God in Jacksonville, Florida. This church is Pentecostal. Jesus Christ is my Savior and my First Love.
2. I am a crazy head, which here means that I am a crazy lunatic. lol. Sometimes I can get extrememly hyper and you wouldn't be able to make me stop talking for a million dollars!
3. I love to talk to anyone... even complete strangers! Well, to be more accurate I love to talk to anyone who can handle me talking on forever!

There are also many other things about me that you can learn! If you would like to read my semi- autobiography click on ALL THINGS, MICHAEL BENNETT!

The Lighthouse

Jesus Christ is our lighthouse because He shines His light on the right path.

Special Thanks

I know only famous people and people that are acknowledged for things do this but I have to do one! lol!

God for all He has done for me and all the patience He has! My parent's for putting up with my "crazy head ways" and for allowing me to do this! Amber (from the Underground Hangout) for helping me on my forum. And EVERYONE who has become a membew at my forum!

lol! That was a little different but different is good... isn't it? lol!

My Forum?

My forum goes by the name, The Harbor. It is a Christian based forum for teens of all ages. Okay, adults, you're allowed at my forum too but I can't guarantee that you'll be interested. But then again you parents surprise me sometimes. lol. But everyone is welcome... it's just mainly for the teens. Where did I get the name for my website? Well, I was trying to think of a name that would stand out and that is different than all the others. Then I heard my sister singing "Harbor of Hope." That gave me the idea for the name. This forum isn't themed after anything in particular. It's just a hangout place for anyone. So... check it out!

*Note: If you would like to visit my website go to GREAT LINKS TO GREAT PLACES and click on the banner with "The Habor" written on it.

^^^Here is a beautiful picture where the photographer has mastered the art of blurring and decided to use this art on MY picture! But you can still make out the handsome features! And guess what?! There's a bonus feature to this too! When you click on "click here" you'll be able to email me! W...O...W...! (o)_(o) LMBO! And if you click on my pic you can see my profile! ;D

Click Here!